United States Supreme Court is Fucked

What does equal protection of the law mean. Well it doesn’t mean a fucking thing to the United States Supreme Court because they made a law on abortion only applying to women but it takes two to have a baby. A man’s right to save his child is just thrown to the side whether he can take care of the bady on his own or not. The United States Supreme court thus doesn’t even consider equal protection of our laws, especially in this case. That Navy commander who said women and children first is a fucking myth and now the United states Supreme Court and the assholes in Congress believe men are somehow less important and irrelevant. It doesn’t matter if you’re pro-life or not our fucking lawmakers haven’t even considered whether that baby will ever have any proper care or not. If the woman is already on welfare and she’s a crackhead buying more drugs because of an additional child, maybe we should have a law that says she must get an abortion, especially when the father can’t properly care for the child, and when there is no family willing to adopt the child. I know you don’t wanna hear this shit but why are we allowing families to have a child that can’t be properly cared for, even with taxpayer money, all this borders on insanity. Naturally if we have somebody that wants to adopt the child then we can save the child if the adoption family can be verified and have the means to properly care for the child.

The reason I hate the fucking United States Supreme court is because I took misdemeanors all the way to their ruse court showing evidence of fraud upon the lower federal courts, ineffective assistance of counsel, and fraud at the state level and they dismissed it all with no reasons. Did you know you can’t sue any judge in their official capacity even if they happen to violate your constitutional rights, it’s the fucking law in this country.

Acts of a judge in his official capacity are not subject to disciplinary action even though such acts are erroneous or fucking mistakes. Some of these judges are as crooked as any criminal they have ever put away. If you can find a good skeleton in the judges closet you could control that fucker and almost everybody has some skeletons. You might also think if your attorney has political connections he might do you a favor or then again he might fuck you because he has those connections. The favors going on in our legal system are insane and ridiculous. The game prosecutors play is mafia based, they can give the ringleader a reduced sentence if he turns state evidence against other players. Thus many of these ringleaders will lie their asses off or are instructed what to say for the reduced sentence. The prosecution offers these blackmail tricks just to close a case with a win conviction and earn another feather in their cap. Another thing that isn’t fair at all is that the prosecutors have an unlimited amount of money to prosecute you and you might be a paycheck to paycheck family man trying to defend your case, does that sound fair to you? Believe it or not they have their favorite expert witnesses that are paid to testify against you and they will use any trick, including fraud, to win their case.

You might think this is bullshit but because I lost all my religious beliefs and learned just how crooked the American legal system is: the Anti-Christ wants me to post his messages. I haven’t decided yet but I’m thinking about it.



Franke Joseph Sontag

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